The Journey

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  • Taking Down the Christmas Tree on Christmas Eve

    Taking Down the Christmas Tree on Christmas Eve Last week I came home from work and realized that I hate having my Christmas tree up. It doesnโ€™t fit well in the space, and it is not just encroaching on the dogโ€™s sleeping spots, itโ€™s also seeping into the foundations of my emotional stability. So, I…

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  • Am I taking life too seriously?

    Am I taking life too seriously? Why I am asking (TL;DR, Life is Hard): Some days you get really upset because the doctors postponed yet another of your dad’s chemo treatments because he wasn’t healthy enough for it, and he fell and hit his face because he wasn’t eating enough, and you can’t convince him…

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  • 12 Months of Celebrating!

    Each month of the year I am going to celebrate a different concept in my life, starting with growth in January!

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